栏目分类【双语】例行记者会/Regular Press Conference(2024-6-13)
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发布日期:2025-01-02 12:00 点击次数:113
转自:外交部发言人办公室2024年6月13日外交部发言人林剑主持例行记者会Foreign Ministry Spokesperson Lin Jian’s Regular Press Conference on June 13, 2024总台央广记者:6月12日,联合国贸发会议成立60周年庆祝活动开幕式在日内瓦举行。我们注意到,习近平主席以视频方式出席开幕式并致辞。发言人能否介绍有关情况?CNR: On June 12, the opening ceremony of the 60th anniversary celebrations of the United Nations Conference on Trade and Development was held in Geneva. We noted that President Xi Jinping attended the opening ceremony via video link and delivered an address. Could you share more with us?林剑:6月12日,习近平主席以视频方式出席联合国贸易和发展会议成立60周年庆祝活动开幕式并发表重要致辞,引发国际社会高度关注和热烈反响。Lin Jian: On June 12, President Xi Jinping attended the opening ceremony of the 60th anniversary celebrations of the United Nations Conference on Trade and Development (UNCTAD) via video link and delivered an important address, which received extensive attention and warm response from the international community.习近平主席在致辞中积极评价联合国贸易和发展会议的作用,号召各方以对历史和人民负责的态度,把准正确方向,携手构建人类命运共同体。习近平主席提出三点重要主张:一是营造和平发展的国际环境。要践行真正的多边主义,倡导平等有序的世界多极化,恪守联合国宪章宗旨和原则,支持联合国贸易和发展会议等多边机构更好发挥作用。二是顺应开放发展的时代潮流。要倡导普惠包容的经济全球化,推进贸易和投资自由化便利化,解决好发展失衡等问题,推动全球治理体系朝着更加公正合理的方向发展。三是把握创新发展的历史机遇。要打造开放、包容、非歧视的数字经济环境,坚持以人为本、智能向善,在联合国框架内加强人工智能规则治理,积极推进绿色转型,让广大发展中国家更好融入数字化、智能化、绿色化潮流。In his address, President Xi Jinping commended UNCTAD’s role, and called on all parties to assume their responsibilities for history and the people, keep to the right direction, and work together to build a community with a shared future for mankind. President Xi Jinping made the following three important propositions. First, foster an international environment for peaceful development. We need to pursue true multilateralism, advocate an equal and orderly multipolar world, abide by the purposes and principles of the UN Charter, and support a more effective role of UNCTAD and other multilateral agencies. Second, follow the trend toward open development. We should advocate a universally beneficial and inclusive economic globalization, promote trade and investment liberalization and facilitation, properly resolve development imbalance and other issues, and make the global governance system more just and equitable. Third, harness the historic opportunity for innovation-driven development. It is important to build an open, inclusive and non-discriminatory environment for the digital economy, follow the people-centered, AI-for-good principle and strengthen AI-related rules and governance within the framework of the United Nations, actively advance green transition, and help developing countries join the trend of digital, smart and green development.习近平主席强调,中国正以高质量发展全面推进中国式现代化,必将为世界发展带来新的更大机遇。中国始终是“全球南方”的一员,永远属于发展中国家,愿同各方一道,以人类前途为怀、以人民福祉为念,推动世界走向和平、安全、繁荣、进步的美好未来。President Xi Jinping stressed that China is advancing Chinese modernization on all fronts through high-quality development, which will provide new and greater opportunities for world development. China will always be a member of the Global South and the developing world. Holding humanity’s future and people’s well-being close to our heart, we will work together with all parties to give the world a bright future of peace, security, prosperity and progress.习近平主席以视频方式出席联合国贸发会议成立60周年庆祝活动开幕式并致辞,充分展现了中方对全球发展事业的高度重视和“全球南方”共同发展的大力支持。中方期待同国际社会深化团结合作,推动高质量共建“一带一路”,落实全球发展倡议、全球安全倡议、全球文明倡议,共同谱写全球发展新篇章,助力世界现代化,实现共同繁荣。President Xi Jinping’s participation in the opening ceremony of the 60th anniversary celebrations of UNCTAD via video link and delivering an address fully demonstrates the high importance that China attaches to global development and our tremendous support for the common development of the Global South. China looks to working with the international community to deepen solidarity and cooperation, promote high-quality Belt and Road cooperation, implement the Global Development Initiative, the Global Security Initiative and the Global Civilization Initiative, open a new chapter in global development, contribute to the modernization of the whole world and achieve common prosperity. 半岛电视台记者:据《以色列时报》报道,哈马斯要求中国、俄罗斯和土耳其为其与以色列的人质交易提供担保。据说这一要求是哈马斯对以色列上月提出、并由美国总统拜登公布的提议作出的几项修改之一。中方对此有何评论?Al Jazeera: According to the Times of Israel, Hamas has demanded that China, Russia and Türkiye serve as guarantors for any hostage deal with Israel. The demand is said to be one of several changes made by Hamas to the proposal put forward by Israel last month and publicized by US President Joe Biden. What’s China’s comment? 林剑:中方注意到有关报道。加沙冲突延宕已经超过8个月,当务之急是全面、有效执行联合国安理会有关决议,立即实现停火,切实保护平民,确保人道救援,尽快释放所有被扣押人员。中方将继续同各方一道,为推动早日平息加沙战火、缓解严峻人道局势、落实“两国方案”作出不懈努力。Lin Jian: China has noted the report. The Gaza conflict has been dragging on for more than eight months. The most urgent priority is to fully and effectively implement relevant UN Security Council resolutions, achieve an immediate ceasefire, protect civilians, guarantee humanitarian assistance and ensure the early release of all those held captive. China will continue to work with all parties to make unremitting efforts to end the fighting in Gaza as soon as possible, ease the grave humanitarian situation and implement the two-State solution.总台央视记者:12日,欧盟委员会宣布,拟从7月4日起对自中国进口的电动汽车加征最高达38.1%的临时关税。德国政府发言人表示,我们不需要更多的贸易壁垒;匈牙利外交与对外经济部发表声明称,匈方反对欧盟对中国电动车制造商野蛮征收惩罚性关税。大众、宝马、奔驰、斯特兰蒂斯等欧洲主要车企也迅速发声反对。外交部对此有何评论?CCTV: On June 12, the European Commission announced that provisional duties up to 38.1 percent would be introduced from 4 July on the electric vehicles imports from China. German government spokesman said “we do not need further trade barriers.” Hungary’s Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade said in a statement that Hungary disagrees with the brutal European punishment of Chinese electric car manufacturers. Volkswagen, BMW, Mercedes-Benz and Stellantis and other European major car makers also spoke out right away against the duties. What’s your comment?林剑:关于欧盟发布对华电动汽车反补贴调查初裁披露,商务部发言人已经就此回答记者提问,阐明中方严正立场。中国产业界和商协会也发声表示坚决反对。Lin Jian: On the EU’s pre-disclosure of anti-subsidy investigation on China’s electric vehicles, the spokesperson of the Ministry of Commerce has responded to the question and made clear China’s position. The industry, companies and business associations in China have also firmly opposed it.我想强调的是,这起调查是典型的保护主义行为,无视客观事实,罔顾世贸规则,违背历史潮流,只会损人害己。我们敦促欧方认真倾听各界客观理性声音,立即纠正错误做法,停止将经贸问题政治化,通过对话协商妥善处理经贸摩擦,避免损害中欧互信和对话合作。Let me stress that this investigation is a typical act of protectionism which ignores the facts and the WTO rules. It goes against the overall trend and will benefit no one. We urge the EU to heed the rational and objective views from various quarters, correct its wrong decision at once, stop turning trade into political issues, properly address economic and trade frictions through dialogue and consultation, and avoid harming the mutual trust, dialogue and cooperation between China and the EU.韩联社记者:据报道,俄罗斯总统普京将在近日访问朝鲜。与朝鲜和俄罗斯都保持着友好关系的中方将如何看待两国领导人的会晤?另外,中方是否也计划朝中两国领导人的会晤?Yonhap News Agency: It’s reported that Russia’s President Putin will visit the DPRK soon. How does China who maintains friendly relations with both the DPRK and Russia view the meeting between the leaders of these two countries? Does the Chinese side plan to hold meetings between the leaders of China and the DPRK? 林剑:我们注意到相关报道。你提到的第一个问题涉及俄朝之间的双边交往安排,我对此不便评论。原则上讲,中方欢迎俄罗斯与相关国家巩固和发展传统友好关系。Lin Jian: We noted the report. Your question concerns bilateral interaction between Russia and the DPRK. It’s not for me to comment on that. I’ll just say more broadly that China welcomes Russia to cement and grow ties with countries they have traditional friendship with. 关于你提到的第二个问题,中朝是山水相连的近邻,保持着传统友好合作关系。今年是中朝建交75周年,也是双方商定的“中朝友好年”。中朝双方就团组交往和各领域交流合作保持沟通。如有中朝领导人会晤的消息,我们会及时发布。On your second question. China and the DPRK are neighbors connected by mountains and rivers. We enjoy a traditional friendship and cooperative ties. This year marks the 75th anniversary of China-DPRK diplomatic ties and “China-DPRK Friendship Year” designated by the two sides. China and the DPRK maintain communication on visits of delegations as well as exchanges and cooperation in various fields. If there is anything to announce about a meeting between Chinese and DPRK leaders, we will release the information in a timely manner.深圳卫视记者:我们注意到,近日世界银行发布最新一期《全球经济展望》,将2024年中国经济增长预期由4.5%上调至4.8%。发言人对此有何评论?Shenzhen TV: We noted that in the latest Global Economic Prospects released days ago, the World Bank raised China’s growth forecast in 2024 from 4.5 percent to 4.8 percent. What’s your comment?林剑:我们注意到世界银行有关报告,也注意到国际货币基金组织于近日再次上调今年中国经济增长预期,较4月预测上调0.4个百分点。众多国际机构纷纷上调中国经济增长预期充分表明国际社会对中国经济的信心。世行报告中还提到中国出口等经济活动强于预期,中国海关总署数据显示,今年前5个月,中国货物贸易进出口同比增长6.3%,无论是作为世界制造大国为各国市场提供高性价比产品,还是作为世界消费大国为各国产品创造需求,中国都发挥了积极且显著的作用。Lin Jian: We noted the World Bank’s report and saw that days ago, the International Monetary Fund (IMF) again revised up China’s growth forecast for this year, 0.4 percentage points higher than the April forecast. Many international institutions raised their forecast for China’s economic growth this year, a case in point of the international community’s confidence in China’s economy. Global Economic Prospects also mentioned China’s stronger-than-expected activity, particularly exports. Statistics released by China’s General Administration of Customs show that in the first five months this year, China’s trade in goods with other countries grew year-on-year by 6.3 percent. As a major manufacturer and consumer in the world, China has provided cost-effective products to other countries and a big market for their own products, which is a vivid illustration of China’s positive and distinct role.作为世界第二大经济体和全球经济的重要组成部分,中国经济对世界经济增长的贡献率长期保持高位。中国经济的持续稳定增长对世界经济复苏有着巨大推动作用。此前国际货币基金组织的研究表明,中国经济每增长1个百分点,将使其他经济体的产出水平平均提高0.3个百分点。As the second largest economy and an important component of the global economy, China has long remained a great contributor to global economic growth. China’s sustained and steady economic growth is a powerful engine of global economic recovery. IMF analysis showed that a 1 percentage point increase in GDP growth in China leads to 0.3 percentage point increase in growth in other economies on average.面对复杂多变的国际环境,中国经济有底气、有力量破浪前行。中国好,世界将更好。我们愿同世界分享高质量发展的红利和机遇,携手推进世界现代化进程持续发展。With complex changes unfolding in our world, the Chinese economy has the strength and resilience to brave headwinds and move forward. A prosperous China augurs well for the world. We stand ready to share with the world the benefits and opportunities of our high-quality development and work with other countries to sustain the global modernization process.今日俄罗斯记者:美国财政部昨日公布新的反俄制裁方案,涉及俄罗斯以及中国等其他国家的300多家公司、银行和数十名个人。美国务院称,新制裁旨在在乌克兰冲突持续期间对俄罗斯经济造成损害。新制裁会否影响中俄未来经济合作?RIA Novosti: The US Treasury Department yesterday released a new anti-Russia sanctions package that includes more than 300 companies, banks and dozens of individuals from Russia and other countries, including China. According to the US State Department, the new sanctions are intended to inflict damage on the Russian economy amid the ongoing conflict in Ukraine. I wonder if these new sanctions will affect China-Russia economic cooperation?林剑:中俄两国是全面战略协作伙伴,双方开展互利合作有自身内在逻辑和强大韧性,符合两国利益。中方坚决反对任何非法单边制裁和“长臂管辖”。中俄之间的正常经贸往来不应受到干扰和破坏,更不应成为抹黑、遏制中国的工具。Lin Jian: China and Russia are comprehensive strategic partners of coordination. The mutually beneficial cooperation between China and Russia is inherently logical and very much resilient, and is in the interest of both countries. China firmly opposes all illegitimate unilateral sanction and long-arm jurisdiction. The normal economic and trade interactions between China and Russia should not be interfered with or disrupted, still less be used as a tool to smear and contain China.在乌克兰危机问题上,谁在呼吁对话、争取和平,谁在拱火递刀、鼓动对抗,国际社会有目共睹。美方一方面源源不断向乌克兰提供武器弹药,一方面把破坏和平、延宕危机的责任甩给别国,甚至把危机当成肆意制裁、打压别国的良机,可谓是机关算尽、虚伪至极、霸道无比。On the Ukraine crisis, it is quite clear to the international community who is calling for dialogue and striving for peace, and who is fueling the fight and inciting confrontation. The US on the one hand continues to pour weapons and munition into Ukraine, yet on the other shifts the blame of undermining peace and protracting the crisis to other countries. It even sees the crisis as an opportunity to slap sanctions and suppress others. All of it reveals the US’s calculations, hypocrisy and what a bully it is.美国在全球范围内滥施单边制裁贻害无穷,严重损害他国主权安全,造成人道惨剧,破坏产供链稳定。乌克兰危机升级后,美方制裁更是变本加厉。而这种乱舞制裁大棒的做法,不仅无助于问题的解决,反而成为世界一个主要的风险源头。The US’s unilateral sanctions have created victims all over the world, severely undermined other countries’ sovereignty and security, caused humanitarian tragedies and disrupted industrial and supply chains. Since the escalation of the Ukraine crisis, the US even doubled down on sanctions. Wielding the big stick of sanctions does not solve problems and will only be a major source of risks for the world.中方不是乌克兰危机的制造者,也不是当事方,绝不接受抹黑施压、甩锅推责。我们敦促美方立即停止滥施非法单边制裁,多为停火止战、恢复和平发挥建设性作用。我们也将采取一切必要措施,坚定维护中国企业和公民的合法权益。China did not create and is not a party to the Ukraine crisis. We will not accept smears, pressuring or blame-shifting. We urge the US to immediately stop slapping illegal unilateral sanctions and play a constructive role in ending the conflict and restoring peace. China will take all measures necessary to firmly safeguard the lawful rights and interests of Chinese companies and citizens.凤凰卫视记者:追问一个关于欧盟对中国电动汽车加征关税的问题。请问中方是否会出台反制措施?Phoenix TV: To follow up on the EU’s additional tariffs on Chinese electric vehicles. Will China take countermeasures?林剑:中方有必须捍卫的原则,那就是世贸组织规则和市场原则,也有必须维护的利益,那就是中国电动汽车产业和企业的合法权益。为此,我们将坚决采取一切必要措施。Lin Jian: There are principles that China must defend, that is, the WTO rules and market principles. There are also interests that China must safeguard, that is, the lawful rights and interests of China’s EV industry and enterprises. With this in mind, we will take all measures necessary.彭博社记者:出席波恩气候变化大会的外交官告诉我社,今年《联合国气候变化框架公约》第二十九次缔约方大会(COP29)的一大重点是中国在全球气候融资中扮演的角色,以及推动中国在向发展中国家提供资金方面发挥更大作用,以匹配中国近几十年的发展水平。外交部对此有何评论?Bloomberg: Climate diplomats at the Bonn climate conference told Bloomberg News that a major focus for this year’s COP29 talks will be China’s role in global climate finance, and a push for China to play a much larger role in contributing to funds directed toward developing nations, in keeping with China’s development in recent decades. Does the Chinese Foreign Ministry have any comment?林剑:气候资金是采取气候行动、实现减排目标的关键支撑。为发展中国家气候行动提供资金支持,既是发达国家不可推卸的道义责任,更是其在《联合国气候变化框架公约》及其《巴黎协定》下必须履行的国际法义务,是共同但有区别的责任原则的重要体现。Lin Jian: Climate financing is key to taking climate actions and reaching emission reduction goals. To provide financial support to developing countries for their climate actions is an unshirkable moral responsibility of developed countries and, more importantly, an obligation they must fulfill under international law, including the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) and the Paris Agreement. This is an important manifestation of the principle of common but differentiated responsibilities.发达国家于2009年承诺每年向发展中国家提供1000亿美元气候资金,但长期“口惠而实不至”,累计欠账超过3000亿美元。这极大破坏了南北互信和应对气候变化的全球努力。如果发达国家在今年底COP29上仍然不能就未来气候资金安排承担起应尽的历史责任,甚至还千方百计向发展中国家转嫁责任,那将极大削弱全球气候治理国际合作的有效性,极大阻碍《巴黎协定》确立的全球温控目标的实现。Developed countries promised to provide US$100 billion per year for climate action in developing countries in 2009, but for too long they have only paid lip service and now owe developing countries over US$300 billion in total. This greatly undermines mutual trust between the North and the South and global climate response. If developed countries still cannot step up to their due historic responsibility when COP29 discusses the future arrangement of climate financing at the end of this year, and try every means to shift responsibility to developing countries, international cooperation on global climate governance will be greatly impaired and the target on global temperature rise of the Paris Agreement will be very hard to meet.作为最大的发展中国家,中国面临发展经济、改善民生、治理污染等多重任务,但仍克服万难,认真履行《框架公约》体系下相关义务,全面推进碳达峰碳中和,承诺将用历史上最短的时间完成全球最高碳排放强度降幅。同时,中国也一直在应对气候变化南南合作框架下为其他发展中国家提供支持和帮助。截至目前,中国已与41个发展中国家签署50份合作谅解备忘录,累计举办58期应对气候变化南南合作培训班,培训2400余名应对气候变化领域专业人员,为相关国家积极应对气候变化提供了切实帮助,受到发展中国家高度认可和广泛好评。下一步,中国将进一步加大南南合作力度,继续为其他发展中国家应对气候变化提供力所能及的帮助。As the largest developing country, China has a multitude of tasks. We are working to grow the economy, improve people’s livelihood and control pollution, to name just a few. Despite the challenging nature of the tasks, China has faithfully carried out the obligations under the UNFCCC, made every effort to achieve carbon peaking and carbon neutrality, and undertaken to make the world’s biggest cut in carbon emission intensity in the shortest time frame ever seen in history. In the meantime, China has provided support and assistance to other developing countries under the framework of South-South cooperation on climate change. China has so far signed 50 cooperation MOUs with 41 developing countries, held 58 training sessions on South-South cooperation concerning climate change, helped to train more than 2,400 professionals in the field of climate response and provided practical assistance to relevant countries in actively responding to climate change. China’s effort has been highly recognized and widely applauded by fellow developing countries. Looking forward, China will further strengthen South-South cooperation and continue to provide assistance to the best of our capability to other developing countries in coping with climate change. 《环球时报》记者:据报道,美国国会参议院共和党议员格雷厄姆近日在接受采访时称,乌克兰有“价值10万亿到12万亿美元的关键矿产”,能成为美国的“最佳商业伙伴”,美国支持乌克兰,能使乌克兰和西方国家使用这些关键矿产,而不是让给俄罗斯和中国。请问发言人对此有何评论?Global Times: It’s reported that US Republican Senator Lindsey Graham said in a recent interview that Ukraine has US$10 to 12 trillion of critical minerals and can become the US’s best business partner. The US supports Ukraine so that the critical mineral assets could be used by Ukraine and the West, not given to Putin and China. What’s your comment?林剑:我们注意到有关报道。这说出了美方在乌克兰问题上的真实考虑。显然,美方一些人嘴上说的是规则和主义,心里装的却是利益和生意。Lin Jian: We noted the report. What he said reveals the true calculations of the US on Ukraine. Apparently, some in the US keep talking about rules and principles, but all they think about is just profit and business.